English for Teens

Course Overview

The course for teenagers focuses on real-world global culture topics in English with an emphasis on learning conversational skills and communication. The course's overall purpose is to encourage engagement through language tasks on a variety of topics in order to improve fluency. The program is based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) which provides standards for language learners at all level of proficiency. The course includes online language lessons, classes on the development and improvement of speaking and understanding the English language, communication, learning at home, and strengthening the development of knowledge about other cultures. The lesson materials include a dynamic program that meets the needs of adolescents around the world.


Beginner 1-2

Equals to CEFR level A1

Learning Goals

Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 30 materials

Distinguish first names and last names and common titles. Pronounce English alphabet and spell names. Ask and answer personal information. Use statements with be; possessive adjectives to give an information. Apply Wh-questions with ‘be’ in the sentences. Recognize the names of countries. Distinguish and produce the /a:/ and /æ/ sounds.

Identify classroom objects. Talk about things and places in the classroom. Talk about things you take to the class using a / an. Ask about things using this or these. Ask where things are in the classroom. Say who owns things using ‘s and s’. Practice the tongue twister to improve the pronunciation.

Identify different kinds of family relationships. Talk about one’s family members. Use auxiliary verb ‘do’ in simple present negative statements. Explain the role of one’s family members at home. Classify the different words with similar meaning about family members. Apply subject pronouns and affirmative sentences to describe one’s family members. Practice the tongue twisters to improve the pronunciation.

Identify different parts of a house. Mention common types of objects and appliances at home. Ask and give information about one’s house. Make statements and questions using there is and there are. Tell where objects in the house belong to. Demonstrate various types of home activities. Use adverb of degree in describing homes and objects in the house. Recognize what compound noun is and its different forms. Distinguish and produce the ‘ɒ‘ and the ‘əʊ’ sound.

Beginner 3-4

Equals to CEFR level A2

Learning Goals

Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 30 materials

Classify different subjects at school. Tell time when talking about activities at school. Differentiate formal and informal greetings. Use WH-questions to ask for information. Use possessive adjectives to give information. Discuss different school activities
Talk about how to be more confident. Distinguish sounds of /t/ and /d/ using minimal pairs.

Differentiate home from a house. Identify the parts of a house. Identify the uses of various things that can be found at home. Construct sentences talking about positions of things inside the home using prepositions of place. Talk about safety at home. Use indefinite pronouns to refer to people and things in the house. Distinguish and pronounce the /eɪ/ and the /aʊ/ sounds.

Identify what a typical meal is like in one’s country. Identify various foods and drinks.
Identify different ingredients to make food. Differentiate countable and uncountable nouns. Distinguish five basic tastes. Identify common methods of cooking. Complete sentences with the correct partitives. Discuss how to have healthy eating habits. Distinguish and practice /sh/ and /ch/ sounds in the beginning and end of the word.

Identify and distinguish different kinds of feelings. Identify the reasons of having certain feelings. Use modal auxiliary: have to, should/ought to describe necessity or give suggestions. Identify the zones of regulations for feelings. Discover ways to cope with rollercoaster of emotions. Explore ways to express gratitude. Mention various things to be grateful for. Use determiners with plural nouns to talk about the power of gratitude. Practice pronunciation through tongue twister activity.

Intermediate 1-2

Equals to CEFR level B1

Learning Goals

Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 24 materials

Enumerate different places in the city. Discuss various types of houses. Classify the function of places. Give directions using appropriate phrases. Describe and discuss characteristics of different places. Share personal experiences using present perfect tense. Distinguish different phonic sound of /th/.

Explain various movie terminologies. Distinguish different movie genres. Outline some examples of film-making process. Modify an active sentence into a passive sentence. Construct passive sentences related to movies. Generate a simple story using visual aids. Distinguish sounds of /g/ and /d/ through minimal pairs.

Discuss various types of food taste and texture. Explain various cooking terminologies. Generate food recipe using the appropriate terminologies. Construct WH questions using the given keyword. Compose comparative and superlative adjective sentences related to food and cooking. Distinguish different phonic sounds

Define various types of musical instruments. Distinguish the use of each musical instrument. Categorize the music player into then and now. Define various types of music genre. Analyze the current phenomenon regarding music. Generate a simple story using visual aids. Use adjective with preposition to talk about music. Implement the use of adverb phrase in a sentence. Distinguish different phonic sounds

Intermediate 3-4

Equals to CEFR level B2

Learning Goals

Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 24 materials

Identify different gym equipment. List facts about health and fitness. Use ‘it’ as an object to represent something. Summarize the benefits of exercising and being active. Understand some common idiomatic expressions. Discuss the generation of coach potatoes and one’s lifestyle. Recognize and use adjective phrases in sentences. Practice tongue twister to improve speech and diction.

Identify famous inventions in the world. Used connecting words to talk about technology. List and talk about how technology are used. Discuss hilarious and popular inventions in the world. Use simple past passive in the sentences. Create a patented invention. Practice pronunciation through minimal pairs : /tʃ/ and /dʒ/.

Identify and differentiate kinds of internet devices. Name common internet logos found online. Read and discuss computer addiction. Use present perfect to talk about something that has been done. Identify and apply phrasal verbs in sentences. Use idiomatic expressions related to internet. Identify different kinds of activities online. Form nominal clauses with ‘that’ to state focus in a sentence. Practice pronouncing and differentiating homophones.

Identify different cleaning tools. List and identify common household chores. Use Past Perfect Tense to talk about household activities. Use ‘get’ + object + ‘to’-infinitive to persuade someone or something to do something. Discuss whether household chores should be done by kids. Respond to questions about your tasks at home. Practice tongue twister to improve speech and diction.

12 Available Levels
A1 - C2 CEFR Level
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  • Flexible test schedule and tutor selection
  • Duration of 25 minutes for the class and assessment
  • A live one-on-one assessment of reading, listening, accuracy, and speaking competencies with our tutor
  • A detailed assessment on different skill areas, including strengths and weaknesses
  • Support and assistance from Student Advisor about your learning journey
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