English Programs
for Children

Give your children the best experience in learning English. Check out Cakap's English programs for Children. Here, you can find professional and experienced tutors ready to help your little ones improve their skills optimally!

Our Courses are Specifically Designed to
Suit Children's Learning Needs

Our Courses are Specifically Designed to
Suit Children's Learning Needs

Learning Program is Based On CEFR for Your Kids From 4 - 14 Years Old

View Level Table
<h3 style="color: #000;font-size: 28px;margin-top: -20px;">Eggs</h3>


4 - 5 years old

Varied and interesting games supervised by a competent English-speaking teacher assist young students to enjoy English before they begin learning

Equal to CEFR Level 0

<h3 style="color: #000;font-size: 28px;margin-top: -20px;">Young Caterpillar</h3>

Young Caterpillar

6 - 9 years old

A new stage of development marked by several changes in cognitive and physiological functions. Students are primarily motivated by curiosity and the thrilling excitement that comes with obtaining information.

Equal to CEFR Level Pre A1 Starters

<h3 style="color: #000;font-size: 28px;margin-top: -20px;">Caterpillar</h3>


10 - 11 Years Old

Varied and interesting games supervised by a competent English-speaking teacher assist young students to enjoy English before they begin learning

Equal to CEFR Level A1 Movers

<h3 style="color: #000;font-size: 28px;margin-top: -20px;">Pupa</h3>


11 - 12 years old

A new stage of development marked by several changes in cognitive and physiological functions. Students are primarily motivated by curiosity and the thrilling excitement that comes with obtaining information.

Equal to CEFR Level A2 Flyers

<h3 style="color: #000;font-size: 28px;margin-top: -20px;">Butterfly</h3>


Provides students with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to practice and develop their speaking abilities with a wide range of topics. Each session includes grammatical reinforcement to help students speak more fluently.

Equal to CEFR Level B1 - B2

<h3 style="color: #000;font-size: 28px;margin-top: -20px;">Fly High</h3>

Fly High

Provides students with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to practice and develop their speaking abilities with a wide range of topics. Each session includes grammatical reinforcement to help students speak more fluently.

Equal to CEFR Level C1 - C2

Learning Programs

Level: Eggs

Equal to CEFR Level 0

  • Distinguish, write and sound out letters from A –Z
  • Describe shapes, colors, feelings
  • Count from 1-10
  • Describe shapes, colors, feelings
  • Name my body parts
  • Name and introduce family members, animals, fruits, jobs and everyday things around me.
  • Talk about things I like
  • Talk about things I can and can`t do
  • Total Materials
  • 30 Lessons
  • Lesson One
  • My Family Lesson
  • Lesson Two
  • My School Lesson
  • Lesson Three
  • Shapes

Level: Young Caterpillar

Equal to CEFR Level Pre A1 Starters

  • Understand simple sentences
  • Respond to simple questions
  • Follow very short stories in simple language
  • Understand and follow simple instructions
  • Understand some very simple descriptions of everyday objects
  • Spell names of simple words
  • Understand some very short conversations
  • Count from 1-50
  • Total Material
  • 30 Lessons
  • Lesson 1
  • Say Hello
  • Lesson 2
  • My Classroom
  • Lesson 3
  • At School

Level: Caterpillar

Equal to CEFR Level A1 Movers

  • Agree and disagree with someone
  • Ask someone how they are and what they like doing, and answer similar questions
  • Give simple descriptions of objects, pictures and actions
  • Answer questions about school activities
  • Understand simple signs and notices
  • Understand simple written sentences
  • Write simple sentences giving personal details
  • Understand simple stories with the help of pictures
  • Write short sentences about what they like or dislike
  • Tell a very simple story with the help of pictures
  • Total Material
  • 30 Lessons
  • Lesson 1
  • What’s in a Name
  • Lesson 2
  • In Class
  • Lesson 3
  • It’t My Family

Level: Pupa

Equal to CEFR Level A2 Flyers

  • Understand instructions given in more than one sentence
  • Understand simple conversations on everyday topics
  • Ask basic questions about everyday topics
  • Talk briefly about things they have done
  • Understand short texts, even if they do not know every word
  • Understand simple written descriptions
  • Write simple descriptions of objects and people
  • Link sentences with connectors (and, because, then)
  • Write short simple stories using pictures
  • Tell a story using pictures or their own ideas
  • Total Material
  • 24 Lessons
  • Lesson 1
  • School is Cool
  • Lesson 2
  • Our Home
  • Lesson 3
  • At the Dinner Table


Learning by Immersion

Learning by Immersion

Works amazingly well in developing students' fluency and skills.
Global Standard

Global Standard

Learning program is based on CEFR or the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Progressive Learning Program

Progressive Learning Program

Lessons are purposefully sequenced to methodically build learner competence from one skill to the next.
Interactive Activities

Interactive Activities

Fun and interactive lessons and activities to keep your child engaged during the class.

Choose the Best Learning Methods for Your kids

Our classes can be private or group classes according to your kids' needs.

  • Full Learning Management Dashboard.
  • E-book learning materials.
  • Certificate for finishing each level

Cakap English Kids

Practical skills and interactive lessons

From Rp79.944/session

See Details

Cakap Teens

Practical conversational skills

From Rp79.944/session

See Details

Teaching Team

Our Professional Tutors

Professional Tutors

Our professional tutors are ready to help you Our professional tutors are ready
to help you
Tutor Nining

Tutor Nining

English Course Tutor

Hello there, I'm teacher Nining~ I have a bachelor's degree in English Literature, TESOL* certification, and several years of experience teaching in private schools as Montessori and preschool teacher. In Cakap, I’ve been teaching 2.000+ classes of General English for kids. Let’s have some interactive and challenging classes together. Can't wait to help you improve your English skills, see you!

Tutor Tamara

Tutor Tamara

English Course Tutor

Hello! My name is Tamara and I live in Indonesia. Teaching is actually something that is in my life ever since I finished high school. I had the chance to teach several people informally through my campus life and it turns out I'm doing it for real right now! Learning language is something that I adore since I was little. English is my first love and then I had the opportunity to learn French and a little bit of Italian. Being able to speak English enables me to broaden my perspective because when you speak other language, you don't learn only the language but also the culture behind it. aIt's an honor for me to be able to take part in the journey of teaching English with Cakap. Let's have fun in class!

Tutor Madi

Tutor Madi

English Foreign Tutor

Madi Rodriguez holds a Bachelor of Secondary Education degree and is an ESL teacher with seven years of experience in academic institutions providing environment conductive to learning. She has been helping students of various levels, from low beginners to advanced, in improving their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills via individual and group sessions. She is a Licensed Professional Teacher as she has already passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers. She also holds an EF Set English certificate. In her spare time, she loves listening to music and watching movies. She believes that teachers must not stop learning for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it.


What People Say About English For Kids?

I've been studying at Cakap for a year. It is really fun! I love my teacher. Thank you, Cakap!
Arsy & Arsya
English for Kids Student
After Rizky studied at Cakap, he had the highest score in the National Examination in English. In this digital era, English lesson at Cakap is really worth it!
Rizky’s Mom
Cakap uses the Cambridge learning materials similar to the curriculum at my kid's school. Most of the teachers, who do not speak Indonesian, challenge my kids on how she can master English in a class that is 100% delivered in English
Vannia’s Mom


Begin their learning journey by finding out their proficiency level.

From our website and Android / iOS app.

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Cara Cepat Belajar Bahasa Asing Secara Daring Kapan pun dan di mana pun dengan Cakap

Cakap adalah pelopor pembelajaran bahasa Inggris secara daring (online) dan institusi pembelajaran bahasa Mandarin secara daring (online) di Indonesia, yang berhasil memperkenalkan cara efektif belajar bahasa Inggris dan cara cepat untuk cakap berbahasa Mandarin. Cakap menyadari akan banyaknya permintaan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dasar dan bahasa Inggris percakapan. Oleh karena itu, Cakap menyediakan guru asing bersertifikasi dari negara-negara Asia Pasifik, yang dapat membantu siswa agar cakap berbahasa Inggris dengan lebih cepat. Selain menyediakan kelas Bahasa Inggris dasar bagi pemula, Cakap juga melayani pelajaran bahasa Inggris secara daring (online) untuk anak-anak dan eksekutif muda yang ingin fasih berbahasa Inggris. Setelah mengetahui tentang pentingnya belajar bahasa Inggris dan Mandarin untuk masa depan yang lebih baik, tentu saja Anda ingin segera mendaftarkan diri di Cakap untuk belajar.

Situs Web Terbaik dan Paling Terpercaya untuk Belajar Bahasa Inggris, Mandarin, dan Jepang

Kami akan selalu berusaha meningkatkan layanan dan mengumpulkan lebih banyak variasi di dalamnya, agar dapat diakses dari mana saja dan kapan saja. Pengalaman belajar Bahasa Inggris secara daring (online), belajar Bahasa Mandarin secara daring (online), dan belajar bahasa Jepang secara daring (online) tidak akan pernah semenyenangkan ini! Sekarang, dengan kursus Bahasa Jepang secara daring (online) tambahan untuk tingkat pemula hingga tingkat lanjut, akan membuat Anda lebih cepat dan lancar dalam melakukan percakapan bahasa Jepang . Anda dapat belajar Bahasa Inggris secara daring (online), Bahasa Mandarin secara daring (online), dan Bahasa Jepang dasar secara daring (online) setiap hari dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau. Dapatkan penawaran dan promosi khusus dari kami dan rasakan sensasi kegembiraan dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris secara daring (online), belajar Bahasa Mandarin secara daring (online), dan belajar Bahasa Jepang secara daring (online) bersama guru-guru profesional dari Aki No Sora yang dengan mudah diakses melalui Cakap.