General English

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Course Overview

Students who would like to focus on conversation, fluency-building, and global culture topics will benefit from General English. This course will encourage interaction through language tasks in variety of topics. There will be several activities involving reading, speaking and listening. While working broadly on the speaking skills, the course will focus on two major areas. First, students will be aware of the conversational skills an English language user needs to engage in on-going, interactive process. Second, it will tackle a variety of social situations that arise in daily life, which require developed conversational skills and cultural knowledge.


Beginner 1

Equals to CEFR Level A1.1 & A1.2

Learning Goals

Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully articulated, with long pauses for him/her to assimilate meaning. Can recognise concrete information (e.g. places and times) on familiar topics encountered in everyday life, provided it is delivered in slow and clear speech. Can understand very short, simple texts a single phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words and basic phrases and rereading as required. Can interact in a simple way but communication is totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and respond to simple statements in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics. Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about people and places. Can ask for or pass on personal details in written form. Can give information in writing about matters of personal relevance (e.g. likes and dislikes, family, pets) using simple words and basic expressions. Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. Shows only limited control of a few simple grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a learnt repertoire.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 15 materials

Differentiate formal and informal greetings. Determine suitable responses for greetings. Apply learned expressions through role-playing. Identify physical greetings from around the world. Distinguish and produce the /b/ and /v/ sounds.

Distinguish first names and last names and common titles. Pronounce English alphabet and spell names. Ask and answer personal information, Recognize the names of countries. Distinguish and produce the /a:/ and /æ/ sounds.

Identify words that describe oneself. Determine parts of the face. Define and categorize adjectives that describe physical appearance and personality. Use adjectives to describe people’s physical appearance and personality. Introduce oneself to others with adjectives of physical appearance and personality. Apply verb of be to describe personality. Distinguish and practice pronunciation of /s/ and /t/.

Identify different countries and capitals. Name nationalities and languages of countries. Ask and answer questions about ones’ origin, nationality, and language. Use subject pronouns to give personal information. Use yes-no questions to ask about someone’s origin, nationality, and language. Distinguish and produce the eɪ and the aɪ sound.

Beginner 2

Equals to CEFR Level A1.3 & A1.4

Learning Goals

Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully articulated, with long pauses for him/her to assimilate meaning. Can recognise concrete information (e.g. places and times) on familiar topics encountered in everyday life, provided it is delivered in slow and clear speech. Can understand very short, simple texts a single phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words and basic phrases and rereading as required. Can interact in a simple way but communication is totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and respond to simple statements in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics. Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about people and places. Can ask for or pass on personal details in written form. Can give information in writing about matters of personal relevance (e.g. likes and dislikes, family, pets) using simple words and basic expressions. Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. Shows only limited control of a few simple grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a learnt repertoire.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 15 materials

Recognize the differences of body language in around the world. Identify some actions related to the body language. Use passive forms in the sentences. Use adverb of manners in the sentences. Distinguish and produce the /b/ and /v/ sounds.

Identify different types of extreme sports. Use a / an and adjective properly to describe a travel experience. Use ‘very’ in a sentence to add emphasis.
Write a trip plan using mind map. Distinguish and produce minimal pairs sounds.

Classify different environmental problems. List ways to help save the Earth. Understand modal verbs: ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t’. Assemble proper sentences using jumbled words. Comprehend the concept of reduce, reuse and recycle. Practice simple tongue twister. Differentiate the /s/ and /th/ sounds.

Identify healthy and unhealthy habits. Match photos with their description and explain how each helps one stay healthy. Use gerunds in creating sentences related to health. Discuss the frequency of one’s daily activities and routines that affects one’s health. Practice pronunciation of long and short vowel sounds using tongue twister.

Beginner 3

Equals to CEFR Level A2.1 & A2.2

Learning Goals

Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment), provided speech is clearly and slowly articulated. Can understand short, simple texts containing the highest frequency vocabulary, including a proportion of shared international vocabulary items. Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters to do with work and free time. Can handle very short social exchanges but is rarely able to understand enough to keep conversation going of his/her own accord. Can write only short and simple notes with specific instructions. Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 15 materials

Define greetings. Differentiate formal and formal situations. Determine the proper greetings to be used in formal and informal situations. Respond appropriately to different greetings. Provide and ask for personal information. Use correct be verbs to complete sentences. Determine common greetings around the world. Practice enunciation of words with /t/ and /d/ sounds.

Identify people’s physical characteristics. Use ‘has’ and ‘have got’ to describe people’s appearances. Ask and answer to describe people’s appearances and personalities. Apply order of adjectives to describe a person. Use comparatives to further describe a person. Practice pronunciation through minimal pairs /sh/ and /ch/ sounds.

Distinguish hobby from sport. Identify hobbies that are popular among people.
Differentiate indoor and outdoor activities. Categorize hobbies into indoor or outdoor activities. Use adverbs of frequency to talk about how often an activity is done. Determine the importance of having a hobby. Apply subordinating clause with ‘to’ to introduce purpose. Practice enunciation of words with /b/ and /p/ sounds.

Define what weather and seasons are. Discuss one’s favorite weather and season. Identify different seasons and their characteristics. Identify different climate zones. Use of adverbs of degree to talk about the intensity of a weather. Tackle various weather-related hazards. Implement the use of first conditional sentences to talk about the seasons and weather. Determine how the weather affects people. Practice enunciation of words with /s/, /w/, and /th/ sounds.

Beginner 4

Equals to CEFR Level A2.3 & A2.4

Learning Goals

Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment), provided speech is clearly and slowly articulated. Can understand short, simple texts containing the highest frequency vocabulary, including a proportion of shared international vocabulary items. Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters to do with work and free time. Can handle very short social exchanges but is rarely able to understand enough to keep conversation going of his/her own accord. Can write only short and simple notes with specific instructions. Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 15 materials

Define what a town is. Illustrate what people do in different places in town. Apply adjectives to describe places. Determine the correct preposition of place and direction that would complete the sentences. Create responses to someone asking directions using the expressions learned related to the topic, Discuss the world’s most beautiful places to live. Practice enunciating words with t and b sounds.

Identify and name common ailments. Recognize various vocabularies related to medication. Using relative clauses to talk about health. Use “to” in sentences to introduce the purpose of a statement. Discuss the pros and cons of traditional medicine and modern medicine Evaluate different types of remedies for common ailments. Distinguish different phonic sounds.

Define what a television is. Apply adjectives in sentences to describe TV shows. Devise opinions towards TV shows using expressions to express opinions. Generate questions with Do and Does. Identify the kinds of TV Shows Label the different parts of the TV. Pronounce words with t, z, p, and d sounds correctly.

Define what internet is. Interpret logos and websites one uses to browse online. Use can, could and may to make polite requests. Comprehend vocabularies related to the topic. Pronounce words with t and d sounds correctlly.

Beginner 5

Equals to CEFR Level A2+.1 & A2+.2

Learning Goals

Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and slowly articulated. Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job related language. Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations, provided the other person helps if necessary. Can manage simple, routine exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations. Can write a very simple professional or personal email, for example thanking or asking someone for something. Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes – for example tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what he/she is trying to say.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 10 materials

Define what personality is. Recognize different adjectives including their synonyms and antonyms to describe personality. Use adjectives to give meaning to one’s name. Talk about what first impression is. Recognize verbs in the simple present Utilize adjectives with linking verbs Discuss idiomatic expressions related to personality.

Define what family is. Identify vocabularies related to rivalry. Outline reasons and ways to avoid an adult sibling rivalry. Employ limiting adjectives to discuss ways to combat family challenges. Classify types of family structures. Use ‘the’ + adjectives in a noun phrase to describe family members. Discuss 5 steps to strengthen family relationships. Use family idiomatic expressions in sentences. Practice minimal pairs.

Define and discuss words related to jobs. Utilize proper phrasal verbs to talk about workplaces. Provide opinion about how jobs can be stressful with the use of adverbs with to hedge or emphasize. Apply adjectives ending in –ing to describe jobs. Tackle the best jobs in the world. Determine the reasons why people work. Discuss idiomatic expressions related to jobs.

Differentiate fear and phobia. Recognize the common signs of fear. Employ phrasal verbs related to express fears Apply prepositional phrases in front position of sentences for focus when talking about a terrifying ordeal. Discuss ways to help you cope with your day-to-day fears and anxieties. Utilize idiomatic expressions related to the topic in sentences. Practice correct pronunciation of words

Intermediate 1

Equals to CEFR Level B1.1 & B1.2

Learning Goals

Can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure etc., including short narratives. Can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. Can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters. Can exploit a wide range of simple language to deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling. Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar topics, express personal opinions and exchange information on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events). Can write personal letters and notes asking for or conveying simple information of immediate relevance, getting across the point he/she feels to be important. Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of frequently used ‘routines’ and patterns associated with more predictable situations.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 15 materials

Define what constitutes addiction to shopping. Conduct self-assessment to determine addiction to shopping. Explore cause and effects of addiction to shopping. Use common expression to talk about cause and effect. Discuss idiomatic expressions related to shopping. Practice commonly mispronounced words in English.

Define what a bucket list is. Explore things you can do before one kicks the bucket. Talk about ones dream and wishes using some common collocations. Use second conditional to talk about imaginary or hypothetical situations. Discuss idiomatic expressions related to dreams. Practice pronunciation of words with silent consonant letters.

Differentiate Emigrate and Immigrate. Discuss one’s thoughts about moving or living abroad. Explore reasons why people decide to immigrate. Use phrasal verbs related to immigrating to other countries. Define idiomatic expressions related to traveling. Practice pronunciation commonly mispronounced words in English.

Define what aging is. Describe physical signs of aging. Explore how lifestyle choices affect aging. Use phrasal verbs to talk about aging. Tell one’s worries by using common collocations in English. Practice pronunciation commonly mispronounced words in English.

Intermediate 2

Equals to CEFR Level B1.3 & B1.4

Learning Goals

Can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure etc., including short narratives. Can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. Can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters. Can exploit a wide range of simple language to deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling. Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar topics, express personal opinions and exchange information on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events). Can write personal letters and notes asking for or conveying simple information of immediate relevance, getting across the point he/she feels to be important. Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of frequently used ‘routines’ and patterns associated with more predictable situations.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 15 materials

Define beauty and real beauty. Explain idiomatic expression related to beauty. Discuss the impact of beauty and looks in our society. Use adverbs of degree in describing people and things. Identify and recite words by using phonetic symbols.

Identify things or situations that make people angry. Apply useful expression in expressing anger. Express wishes accurately by using “I wish”. Express ones thoughts a feelings about managing and handling stressful situations. Identify and recite words by using phonetic symbols.

Identify and establish SMART goals. Use future perfect tense in expressing future goals. Evaluate tips that can help make it easier to set and reach goals. Explore useful idiomatic expression when talking about goals. Recite correctly commonly mispronounced words in English.

Define generation gap. Differentiate different generations today. Discuss the impact of different generation in life and in the workplace. Use present perfect tense in describing trends. Recite correctly commonly mispronounced words in English.

Intermediate 3

Equals to CEFR Level B1+.1 & B1+.2

Learning Goals

Can understand straightforward factual information about common everyday or job related topics, identifying both general messages and specific details, provided speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent. Can read most texts and understand much of the detail often by infering ideas based on key elements in the text. Can communicate with some confidence on familiar routine and nonroutine matters related to his/her interests and professional field. Can exchange, check and confirm information, deal with less routine situations and explain why something is a problem. Can express thoughts on more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books, music etc. Can write letters expressing different opinions and giving detailed accounts of personal feelings and experiences. Can reply to an advertisement in writing and ask for further information on items which interest him/her. Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar contexts; generally good control though with noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur, but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 10 Materials

Distinguish the greetings used with different people in different situations Discuss greeting and categorize greetings accordingly to its formality. Restate a story and recognize the importance of greetings. Supply the correct responses to various statements. Talk about bizarre names. Employ the use of “to + infinitive” and “it” as a dummy subject in sentences. Formulate sentences using expressions related to names. Practice reading new words from the lesson.

Discuss the importance of describing people. Use vocabulary and idiomatic expressions related to appearance and personality to describe people. Utilize ‘a (little) bit with comparative adjectives to compare people. Explore reasons why one needs to look good. Apply multiple adjectives to describe certain people. Identify words related to appearance and personality. Pronounce and identify words properly.

Rank inventions according to their usefulness in human lives. Define science and technology. Interpret the relationship among science, technology and society. Derive vocabulary from crossword puzzle and use them properly in sentences. Discuss the effects of technology to human lives Use the past simple after ‘if’ to talk about the possible result of an imagined situation Use ‘will’ to make predictions. Practice pronunciation with rhyming words.

Enumerate the things one does for fun. Define what entertainment is and its benefits. Identify place of entertainment and audiences it amuses. Use question tags related to the topic properly. Infer how music affects other things. Use past simple to describe past events accurately. Interpret idiomatic expressions through context clues. Identify the actual written word through its pronunciation.

Intermediate 4

Equals to CEFR Level B1+.3 & B1+.4

Learning Goals

Can understand straightforward factual information about common everyday or job related topics, identifying both general messages and specific details, provided speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent. Can read most texts and understand much of the detail often by infering ideas based on key elements in the text. Can communicate with some confidence on familiar routine and nonroutine matters related to his/her interests and professional field. Can exchange, check and confirm information, deal with less routine situations and explain why something is a problem. Can express thoughts on more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books, music etc. Can write letters expressing different opinions and giving detailed accounts of personal feelings and experiences. Can reply to an advertisement in writing and ask for further information on items which interest him/her. Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar contexts; generally good control though with noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur, but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 10 Materials

Define what natural environment means. Identify natural environmental elements. Recognize the importance of World Environment Day. Infer relevant information from the provided text. Explore how people could help save the environment. Be aware of the damages of Climate Change to the environment and wildlife. Use a wide range of quantifying determiners with plural nouns (‘several’, ‘millions of’, ‘a few of’) Use verbs of the senses + ‘as if’ or ‘as though’ + finite clause Discuss how five inventions could be of use for planet earth. Match phrasal verbs related to the environment with their correct definition. Identify the correct pronunciation of commonly mispronounced words.

Describe what the tourism industry consists of Select relevant information from the provided text Define certain vocabulary from the provided text Point out the challenges in the tourism industry and ways to combat them Utilize determiners of quantity to develop sentences related to the topic. Make sense of different methods of packing for travel and choose which is relevant for you. Identify complex noun phrases in sentences. Discuss 25 surprising facts about the topic. Produce sentences using the expressions learned. Read the syllabication of words and select the syllable that is stressed.

State the factors that contribute to the growth of food industry Name different types of restaurants Identify the meaning of new vocabulary words and expressions Evaluate the tips for making a restaurant business successful Analyze the use of noun phrase with a superlative Apply conjunctive adverbs in speaking and writing Discuss different expressions when ordering food and getting the bill Assess common complaints of the customers in a restaurant Practice the pronunciation of words by putting the correct stress

Define what festival is and how it affects our lives. Name different kinds of festivals and celebrations around the world. Talk about the most popular festival in the country. Apply ‘either… or…’ to give options. Use ‘the best + noun + present perfect’ to describe festivals. Use common celebratory phrasal verbs in a sentence. Distinguish words based on the syllable to enhance pronunciation.

Intermediate 5

Equals to CEFR Level B2.1 & B2.2

Learning Goals

Can understand the main ideas of propositionally and linguistically complex speech on both concrete and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular attitudes or viewpoints. Can understand contemporary literary prose. Can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to their field of interest. Can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. Can write a detailed report, passing on information or giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view. Can write e-mails highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences. Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control. Does not make mistakes which lead to misunderstanding. Has a good command of simple language structures and some complex grammatical forms, although he/she tends to use complex structures rigidly with some inaccuracy.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 15 Materials

Define what an entry-level job is. Discuss the factors that employees look for in a job around the world. Identify top skills for the future workforce and asses one’s skills. Evaluate aspects related to employability. Construct sentences using “used to” and “would” to express past habits. Define idiomatic expressions using context clues. Distinguish the silent letters and pronounce words.

Define what personal intelligence is. Interpret various quotations related to personality. Identify personality traits and their meanings. Discuss the 4 Types of Personality. Describe people of different occupations using compound adjectives to express what personality each should posses. Define idiomatic expressions using context clues. Distinguish the silent letters and pronounce words.

Define the difference between being busy and being productive. Evaluate one’s lifestyle to determine how busy one is. Identify personality traits and their meanings.
Discuss 6 Tips For Better Work-Life Balance. Differentiate the use of past perfect tense and past perfect continuous tense. Define idiomatic expressions using context clues. Distinguish the silent letters and pronounce words.

Define what Multiculturalism is. Identify vocabularies related to the topic. Discuss one’s own ethnic group and ethnic groups present in one’s country. Appraise benefits and challenges cultural diversity in the workplace. Use the mixed second/third conditional in expressing worries one would have had if one were an immigrant. Define idiomatic expressions using context clues. Distinguish the which words have the long and short /i/ sounds and pronounce them.

Intermediate 6

Equals to CEFR Level B2+.1 & B2+.2

Learning Goals

Can understand standard spoken language, live or broadcast, on both familiar and unfamiliar topics normally encountered in personal, social, academic or vocational life. Only extreme background noise, inadequate discourse structure and/or idiomatic usage influence the ability to understand. Can understand specialised and technical instructions even outside of their professional area. Can follow complex literary narratives. Can lead and manage meetings with native speakers effectively. Can summarize and give an account of previous discussions, or report on progress on projetcs. Can write clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects related to their professional areas or personal interests. Can use a formal or informal style, according to the reader. Good grammatical control. Occasional “slips” or non-systematic errors and minor flaws in sentence structure may still occur, but they are rare and can often be corrected in retrospect.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 15 Materials

Define what emotion and reaction is. React on a short clip and differentiate reaction to respond. Familiarize oneself with “The 6 Basic Emotions” by Steven Gans Recognize the importance of “Managing Your Emotional Reaction” Analyze the 10 Signs of an Emotionally Intelligent Person Utilize past perfect simple + but to talk about situations which changed. Apply superlative adjectives before a noun + ‘to’-infinitive in a sentence. Integrate useful expressions related to emotions and reactions. Practice the word stress of some vocabulary words.

Recognize different factors that affect one’s food choice. Evaluate one self’s cravings using adjectives and give examples. Use vocabularies related to the topic in sentences. Discuss an article about eating the right food. Employ the use of quantifiers in sentences and talking about things one would consider in choosing a restaurant. Define idiomatic expressions using context clues. Distinguish the whether the highlighted sounds are the same and pronounce them correctly.

Analyze how much sleep each type of individual need. Determine the importance of sleep. Distinguish the facts from myths about sleep. Arrange ideas learned using a graphic organizer. Learn various ways and techniques to induce sleep. Use cohesive devices of cause and effect in discussing factors affecting sleep. Apply sleep-related idioms in one’s own sentences. Define what a blended consonant is. Recognize the L-blend sound in words.

Define what “ethical living” is. Relate the concept of “ethical living” with its practical application in daily life. Explain how “ethical living” affects people, planet, and profit. Accumulate vocabulary words associated with “ethical living”. Interpret the “4 Types of Ethical Buying” Utilize past continuous with a wide range of adverbs in the normal mid position in a sentence. Explore child labor and environmental damages fast fashion does. Apply ‘it’ + linking verb + hedging + adjective + (‘that’) clause to make an assertion less direct in making a sentence about the topic. State the “10 Ways to Start Living Ethically” Justify their stance on the importance of “ethical living”. Read and identify the words with long “o” sound.

Advanced 1

Equals to CEFR Level C1.1 & C1.2

Learning Goals

Can understand extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signalled explicitly. Can understand television programmes and films without too much effort. Can understand long and complex factual and literary texts, appreciating distinctions of style. Can understand specialised articles and longer technical instructions, even when they do not relate to their field. Can present clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects integrating sub-themes, developing particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion. Can express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social and professional purposes. Can formulate ideas and opinions with precision and relate their contribution skilfully to those of other speakers. Can express themselves in clear, well-structured text, expressing points of view at some length. Can write about complex subjects in a letter, an essay or a report, underlining what they consider to be the salient issues. Can select a style appropriate to the reader in mind. Consistently maintains a high degree of grammatical accuracy; errors are rare and difficult to spot.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 15 Materials

Define etiquette and manners. Recognize cultural manner matters. Give details and examples to relate vocabulary to the topic. Employ polite phrases to make polite requests in different situations. Evaluate rules of etiquette one wants to change with the use of linking words. Appraise sentences and identify the misplaced modifiers. Define idiomatic expressions using context clues.

Define the concept of education. Test listening and comprehension through the talk about “Poverty and Education”. State synonymous and antonymous words related to the topic. Recognize the types of education and appraise the merits and demerits. Express one’s opinion about issues facing education and how to make them better. Construct sentences with correct capitalization. Define idiomatic expressions using context clues.

Define the concept of predicting the future. Test listening and comprehension through the talk about “Will robots take our jobs?”. State the part of speech of the words related to the topic. Express one’s prediction on different aspects of life. Figure the different uses of will and would in sentences. Discuss the Prediction of Future Outcomes and what objects might exist in the future. Define idiomatic expressions using context clues.

Define the what Fear Food is. Test listening and comprehension through the talk about food. Employ partitives in examples. Restate different ways of how food is cooked. Express one’s idea of food superstitions. Figure the different quantifiers and their purpose and rules. Discuss Cibophobia and the 13 food phobias that exist. Define idiomatic expressions using context clues.

Advanced 2

Equals to CEFR Level C2.1 & C2.2

Learning Goals

Has no difficulty in understanding any kind of spoken language, whether live or broadcast, even when delivered at fast native speed, provided. Has some time to get familiar with the accent. Can read with ease virtually all forms of the written language, including abstract, structurally or linguistically complex texts such as manuals, specialised articles and literary works. Can present a clear, smoothly-flowing description or argument in a style appropriate to the context and with an effective logical structure which helps the recipient to notice and remember significant points. Can write clear, smoothly-flowing text in an appropriate style. Can write complex letters, reports or articles which present a case with an effective logical structure which helps the recipient to notice and remember significant points. Can write summaries and reviews of professional or literary works. Can use a full range of grammatical structures accurately and appropriately. Can naturally use different linguistic forms to convey finer shades of meaning.

Lesson Materials Preview Total of 15 Materials

Discuss quotations about driving. Define anger and road rage. Justify a stand on a driving-related issue. Complete sentence with useful expressions related to anger. Define vocabulary from an audio using context clues. Determine the positive side anger and the ways to manage it. Recognize and discuss various road symbol signals. Give directions following proper grammatical structures. Identify and correct errors found in sentences.

Discuss different parts of a newspaper. Define what news is and identify its relevance. Recognize vocabulary that are news-related and use them properly in context. Define vocabulary from an audio using context clues. Report news based on provided headlines. Use context clues to determine the meaning of expressions related to news. Identify and correct errors found in sentences.

Discuss vocabulary related to the mind and mental health. Define what mental health is. Distinguish facts from hoaxes in mental-related issues. Use expressions containing the word mind to complete sentences. Define vocabulary from an audio using context clues. Recognize the importance, challenges and responses to mental health. Ask specific questions about mental health related topics. Identify and correct errors found in sentences.

Compare and contrast the situation from before and the present. Define what sustainable development is. Justify a stand on sustainability-related issue. Define vocabulary from an audio using context clues. Recognize the goals and the essential pillars of sustainability. Rank and discuss global problems. Use modals to talk about initiatives to aid achieving sustainability. Identify and correct errors found in sentences.

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